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April’s club run

2cv panorama

Picture Debbie Brown

Well I’m sure most of the people who attended the meeting today spent some of their Saturday, washing and polishing their pride and joy πŸ™‚Β  πŸ™‚Β  πŸ™‚Β  The reason behind it is that Sean had organised for a reporter & photographer of the Jersey Rural magazine to join the convoy and do a little article on our club for their June issue.

All members were pre-warned about the lovely reporter, and we had a good turn out of about 9 cars for the convoy and 10 for the final refreshments as our Chairman joined us at the end for a coffee with his burgundy Charleston.

We started off at a very breezy St Catherine, and we all tried very hard parking next to each other, with Phil turning out to be a very good parking attendant in his retirement age, I can’t help wondering if he was an honorary police officer in his past life? Anyway, spot the odd one out on the picture below !!!

Picture Murielle Nicolas

Titinne was very keen and the first one to arrive, followed by Phil & his grandchildren, Jo, Scarlett, with Helen & Debbie, Celeste with Jo & Mark, Cassis with Annie & Gary, Clive & Liza in Gladys, their green & white Dolly, Lyndon & Dina Pallot in a lovely white 2cv, Lynn & Steven Austin-Vautier and Camille, carrying Sean and Cathy the reporter of Rural Magazine.

Picture Debbie Brown

A route was set to take us to Les Fontaines pub were we would meet up with the magazine photographer, Gary Grimshaw. Sean kindly agreed to avoid any steep hill that would require a hill start as my short legs and arms makes this a difficult juggling act in Titinne…. so he took off and I followed, then all the convoy snaked up behind me.

Sean forgot that a convoy is slower than a single car and took off like a whippet running after the rabbit – vroom vroom he was gone, at first I followed his example, but as the other convoy members disappeared off my rear mirror, I lifted my foot from the pedal and cruised along until they caught up. Good job I had the sense to ask James to switch allegiance and ditch his ‘pop’ to jump in Titinne (everyone knows I get lost in a pocket hanky, so to let me loose on the north coast might be a bit daring) as Sean soon disappeared from you. James took over with the co-piloting and told me where to turn… We soon caught up with Sean who was patiently waiting for us to arrive by the side of the road.

Picture Debbie Brown

Movie – Debbie Brown

We all arrived at Les Fontaines pub and parked beautifully in front of the pub (feature picture, taken by Debbie Allen). As the Motor Cross was on, we were unable to loop around Sorel as planned, so we left the pub to head towards Rue de la Butte as the request of the photographer who hitched a lift in Scarlet. We had a first run following Sean, but as Camille is a bit taller than the other cars, it was difficult for the photographer to get a picture of all the cars snaking by. So off we went for round 2, led by Celeste and after our cars had stopped preening themselves in front of the camera, we headed back to La Fontaine Pub. Where Debbie took the video (on left) of our cars looking like they are on speed πŸ™‚


Picture Murielle Nicolas

A few of us were interviewed and had more pictures taken, whilst the others went to grab a table and order refreshments. And it wasn’t long before the usual banter started around the table.

A lovely interlude with other 2cv fanatics…. our club is growing from strength to strength.

Until next time.



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