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May’s adventure

Mia Starre

A lovely day for a drive out, we all met at Jardin de la Mer car park for 1:30, a nice turn out today even though Eddie missed the start as, for some strange reason, he headed straight to St Catherine breakwater, did not pass the start and collect $200.00 (oh that’s Monopoly, sorry).

Another noticeable absentee from the start was Titinne, our red and white Dolly, as Murielle came in the Peugeot. Apparently, Titinne threw a wobbly this morning and refused to start, as Murielle had to go to work, she jumped into her ‘reliable’ car….

However, it was nice to see Skippy driven by Stacey and the Ricky’s blue 2cv , although he still has to work on his parking as he was not very straight between the lines 😉. At the moment he is parking like a girl, and yes I can say that as I am a girl (but my parking is better than his!).

Jo led the convoy, and took the cars, through the traffic of the avenue all the way to St Aubin, up the hill and then along Route Orange before turning towards St Ouen Bay. The cars snaked down la Pulente hill before climbing back up St Ouen’ s hill to find their way to Catherine Best windmill.

Peter, Eddie and Titinne joined the group at the windmill, and everyone sat on the terrace for coffees and cakes, those lucky enough to be in the sun lapped it off, but those in the shade were not so lucky and felt the cold very quickly. It was time to catch up on what happened with the cars over the last months and do a bit of planning for the forthcoming events as our club will be represented at the Steam museum on Liberation day and also at the Festival of motoring… busy month ahead so keep an eye on our postings folks.


Written by Murielle Nicolas