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6th March Meeting – Mother’s day

20160306_103303Well just a small gathering of four met at Albert pier on what started out to be a sunny drive. The sun soon disappeared and the hail came down.
Emmy carrying Stuart, Penny and the two basset hounds, Celeste with Jo and Mark, Camille with Sean (who infringed on the Mini meet up the other end of the pier before joining us!) and Clive and Liza in Gladys set off as the clouds dissipated along the avenue in a small but select convoy.

Turning inland the tin snails meandered up through St Peter’s Valley flanked by daffodils with even a beautiful grey heron fishing in the stream for his breakfast. Up to St Mary’s and left at the ’roundabout’ we continued through to St Ouen’s village down Hydrangea Avenue, cruised down the hill to arrive at a VERY busy Jersey Pearl. Obviously a lot of mothers being spoilt with a breakfast treat. We managed to nab a corner and enjoyed a coffee and a catch up.

peterPeter then joined us….. in his Fiat 500 which he had the cheek to park next to our beautiful Citroen cars 🙂

Here’s looking forward to seeing those that for various reasons couldn’t make it today at our next meet and handing back the reins to Murielle to organise (can’t cope with this level of responsibility!).
