Glorious sunshine…
… is what greeted us today for the 2nd meeting of the 2cv club de Jersey, and this glorious sunshine meant that we were able to sit outside at the end of our drive at the Portelet Inn to drink our coffees.
But lets start at the beginning, meeting time was 10H30 Jardin de la Mer public car park, and me being me, Titinne and I arrived at 10, just in case some other early birds would be there. And good job too as I was greeted by 2 lovely people who had seen the article in the Jersey Evening Post who had indicated the meeting at 10… may be a typo? Or perhaps a communication error on our part…
Shortly after Sean arrived in his lovely sparkling van, closely followed by Jo & Mark with Celeste, freshly arrived from the UK as she had arrived on the boat last night ! Celeste will soon get her Jersey plate and I have the feeling she will become a regular at our meetings.
One by One, the cars trickled in, and Steven and Lynne parked theirs next to celeste as they were of matching colours… Then Catherine arrived in lovely blue car and Ron with his green and white Dolly. Contingent complete for the day!
Then Noddy brought Eddie to the party, Helen arrived driving Scarlet who had a full load, carrying her friend Debbie, Ben and our club mascot Minnie the dog.
Being a friendly bunch, we also welcomed Helier and his Renault, to be honest when I first saw the car I thought it was a funny looking mehari, so it’s an honorary Citroen in my eyes … Of course, he had to get a bit of ribbing for bringing a Renault, but all in good form of course and I hope he will carry on coming out with us.
I am sure that whilst we are all extremely proud of our cars, everybody will agree that the star of the show today was Annie and Gary’s Mehari, just arrived back last month from a full renovation in France. it was very shiny, very clean and extremely impressive (it’s at the end of the row)….
A few new faces today with 3 new cars turning up and others unable to make it, we still kept a total of a 10 cars convoy crawling along the avenue… this was my fault being at the front, I started at my usual speedy rate and heard Sean hooting so I thought he was telling me to slow down. I thought that perhaps someone had been stuck at the lights or something and sedately drove at 25 mph all the way to Portelet !!! Doh !!! must have infuriated other road users, so my apologies to them.
We received a warm welcome at the Portelet and sat outside in the sunshine to enjoy our coffees (after wiping the wet seats) and swap a few funny 2 cv stories …
Thank you all who attended and if I haven’t mentioned you by name it’s because old age is setting in and my memory is running away ….
What a warm and friendly greeting we received this morning to our first meet. And of course the beautiful weather just made for a super drive. Celeste and owners are looking forward to seeing everyone again in December!
Great day. Great turnout. Great fun.
Great write up lovely photos our Mehari is called Cassis. All the cars looked splendid and the weather was incredible. Such nice friendly people, should’ve swopped tables but will get to know the others next time. I loved the Renault too. See you all next month